
gwynn sturdevant

Data Scientist


Dr. Gwynn Sturdevant specializes in algorithmic development of methods used for improving transportation efficiencies. Dr. Sturdevant currently works at Volanno, a company that specializes in providing consulting services to the transportation industry. During her tenure at Volanno, she has worked on analytical projects in the rail and the aviation sectors including: improving Terminal Arrival Efficiency Rate estimation, developing an algorithm to predict train arrival times in a multi-agency rail operating environment, and developing methods to produce unbiased algorithmic results. Dr. Sturdevant developed an extensive Shiny application to assist in balancing trials as a post-doctoral fellow with Ken Kleinman (University of Massachusetts, Amherst and Harvard University). Dr. Sturdevant has a PhD in Statistics from the University of Auckland, the birthplace of R, where she studied under Thomas Lumley (University of Auckland and University of Washington) and Ross Ihaka. She focused on finding long-term effects, after cessation of treatments, when noisy measurements cross a threshold in biometric data.


  • Aviation analytics
  • Machine learning
  • Monte Carlo methods


  • PhD in Statistics, 2016

    University of Auckland

  • Diploma in Teaching (Secondary), 2003

    University of Auckland

  • MS in Mathematics, 2003

    Northern Arizona University

  • BS in Mathematics, 1999

    St Mary's College of Maryland

  • Advanced Diploma in Spanish, 1998

    Univesity of Salamanca